


Part III True or False (10 points)

Directions: Read the passage and then decide whether the following statements are True or False. You should mark A or B on the Answer Sheet, A for True and B for False. (2 ×5)

New research shows even light physical activity among adolescents was linked to better mental health as they got older. "Moderate activity of any kind, getting out and doing something, is associated with improvements, lower levels of depressive symptoms, lower levels of anxiety, and better well-being," Dr. Elaine McMahon said.

Dr. Elaine McMahon is a research fellow at the National Suicide Research Foundation and the School of Public Health, University College Cork in Ireland. She is the lead author of a 2017 study coming out of a large research project on European adolescents.

They studied more than 11,000 13- to 15-year-olds in 10 countries. They found that only 13.6 percent of the participants met the recommended guidelines. The guidelines included 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day.

There was a clear association between physical activity and levels of depression and anxiety. However, the most significant difference was between the least active group (active for 60 minutes or more on zero to three of the past 14 days) and the somewhat active group(four to seven of the past 14 days). The most active group (eight to 14 of the past 14 days) had the highest levels of well-being and the lowest levels of depression and anxiety. However, within that group, daily activity conferred no special benefit. In addition, the study found that being in a sports team was associated with an extra improvement in mental health, and the association was particularly strong for girls.

There were striking differences among the 10 countries. In Slovenia, 66.9 percent of the boys and 49.7 percent of the girls were in the most active group; in Italy, it was only 27.8 percent of the boys and 9.6 percent of the girls.

41. ( ) In the research light physical activity is found to be positively associated with better mental health.

42. ( ) According to the research, moderate activity will make people depressed.

43. ( ) Most of the research participants had at least 60 minutes’ exercise a day.

44. ( ) From the research we can know that being in a sports team is particularly helpful for boys’ mental health.

45. ( ) Within the most active group in the research, daily activity brought about no special benefit.

  1. (A) 在研究中发现,轻度的身体活动与更好的心理健康之间存在积极的关联。
  2. (B) 根据研究,适度的身体活动会让人变得沮丧。
  3. (B) 大多数研究参与者每天至少运动60分钟。
  4. (B) 从研究中我们可以知道,参加运动队对男孩的心理健康特别有帮助。
  5. (A) 在研究的最活跃的组中,每日活动并没有带来特殊的好处。


  6. (A) In the research light physical activity is found to be positively associated with better mental health.

解析:根据文章第一句话 "New research shows even light physical activity among adolescents was linked to better mental health as they got older",我们可以得出结论:研究表明即使是轻度体育锻炼也能与更好的心理健康联系起来。因此,该题答案为 True,即 A。

  1. (B) According to the research, moderate activity will make people depressed.

解析:根据文章第二句话 "Moderate activity of any kind, getting out and doing something, is associated with improvements, lower levels of depressive symptoms, lower levels of anxiety, and better well-being",我们可以得出结论:适度运动的任何形式,出门做些什么都有助于改善心理健康,降低抑郁症状,降低焦虑水平和提高幸福感。因此,该题答案为 False,即 B。

  1. (B) Most of the research participants had at least 60 minutes’ exercise a day.

解析:根据文章第三段第一句话 "They found that only 13.6 percent of the participants met the recommended guidelines. The guidelines included 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day.",我们可以得出结论:只有 13.6% 的参与者达到了建议的标准,该标准包括每天进行 60 分钟中到高强度的运动。因此,该题答案为 False,即 B。

  1. (A) From the research we can know that being in a sports team is particularly helpful for boys’ mental health.

解析:根据文章第四段第二句话 "In addition, the study found that being in a sports team was associated with an extra improvement in mental health, and the association was particularly strong for girls.",我们可以得出结论:研究发现参加运动队可以额外改善心理健康,并且这种关联对女孩特别强。因此,该题答案为 False,即 B。

  1. (A) Within the most active group in the research, daily activity brought about no special benefit.

解析:根据文章第四段最后一句话 "However, within that group, daily activity conferred no special benefit",我们可以得出结论:在最活跃的群体中,每天进行运动并没有带来特别的好处。因此,该题答案为 True,即 A。

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